This Assignment is a reflective account explaining my understanding of roles and responsibilities as a teacher.
Promoting equality and valuing diversity
When teaching I will consider it important to treat all learners equally with respect and dignity. It is necessary to remove barriers that they may face regardless of their disability, age, race, gender, ethnicity or social class. Some of these factors can affect the way in which they learn and it is necessary for the teacher to consider this when planning and teaching.
Some learners may have social issues that will prevent them from learning effectively. Poor housing, family breakdown or substance abuse can make learning an impossible task. It is necessary that they too are supported and given an opportunity to actively participate in learning so that they can develop and flourish. A mentor can be assigned to these individuals in order to give them the one-to-one support and attention that they require, as a teacher may not always be able to provide this. This will aid in the learning and future developmental progress.
When I teach I will adopt a professional manner and always ensure that I am non-judgmental and under no circumstances will I favor students or give some more attention than others. It is vital that I treat all students with respect and dignity and in turn expect the same in return. I will also ensure that particular students are not disadvantaged or overly advantaged.
Diversity is about valuing and respecting the differences in all students regardless of their circumstances. I am sure I will come across many groups of students with certain levels of diversity. It is important, when teaching, that I embrace this and help my students by organising the learning environment to enable ease of access around obstacles, use pictures and overlays in handouts and presentations, which reflect different abilities, ages, cultures genders and races.
Lifelong learning