A Research Brief on Registered Nurses Assignment/Workload for Two Teaching
Hospitals in Kenya
Kamau Simon Macharia
School of Science & Technology, Department of Nursing Sciences.
University of Kabianga
P O Box 5, Kapkatet 20214 Kenya
Tel 0722224577 Email: symomash@gmail.com
Registered Nurses Assignment/Workload
A Research Brief on Registered Nurses Assignment/Workload for Two Teaching Hospitals in Kenya
Nursing is important in quality and safety of hospital care and in patients ' perceptions of their care. There seems to be a close association between patient safety, undergraduate nursing students ' learning with nurse staffing levels in Kenya. The Ministry of Health as well as the
Ministry of education does not yet support changing nurse workforce standards for teaching medical institutions. This research brief targets the nursing units of Kericho District Hospital &
Kapkatet District Hospital, teaching hospitals for University of Kabianga, School of Science and
Technology-Departments of: Nursing Sciences, Clinical Medicine and Environmental Health
Sciences. Purpose: There are a lot on staffing issues in research that could be applied in Kenya and staff might be interested in a staff-understandable review of what has been discovered.
Therefore this brief sought to: establish the relationship between nurse workload and nursesensitive patient safety outcome indicators. This review focuses on the staffing issue on the effect of workload on patient outcomes or staff outcomes. The search spanned period of between
2003 and 2013. Workload/assignment: meaning the number of patients that a staff member can care for and complete all care safely. Safe: avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them. Conclusion: Nurse managers ought to implement staffing processes that align staff skills and competencies with prioritized patient needs supported on a shift-to-shift
Bibliography: 1. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 2005, Web Site