The process of liberalization, globalization and the consequent competition made the business organizations to realize that the person with positive attitude on Human resource department have self commitment and motivation and are loyal to the organization. Organisations having employees with positive attitude towards Human resource department will increase the effectiveness and the functioning will be successful. For the successful functioning of my business organization, finance, machines, materials and manpower resources are essentials. Human resource practice deals with all the above mentioned.
1. Human resource alone can be creative. Every individual is blessed with certain creative skills that help him to bring out something unique. 2. Human resource alone can think and act. Man is capable of analyzing the situation before arriving at a conclusion. 3. The behavior of the human resource is also unpredictable. There exists no method by which a person can read the mind of another. 4. It is only the human resource that has created the other resources and not vice versa.
The most important elements that influence how employees view technological change within organizations are: formal advance notices of new technology, pre-existing job and power structure differences during the implementation of the changes, and work environment.
Research on employees perception towards new technology in the work place are more strongly affected by organizational rather than technical factors as common thought, labour unions, contrary to popular belief, view technological change positively, and can be a contributing factor to the facilitation of change within the firm.
Relationship is a basic need in any organization especially there should be a good understanding between employees and management, because it is the place where both the parties understanding to each other. This relationship can be formal, informal or a mixture of both