Nasal bone
Oral cavity:
1. vestibule- b/w teeth& buccal gingiva and the lips & cheeks
2. oral cavity proper- b/w upper and lower dental arches
Roof- palate
Post. - oropharynx
* When closed is fully occupied by the tongue
o pars cutanea, rubbor labi, pars mocosa o oribicularis oris m. o Sup. & inf. Labial mm. vessels , nerves
Blood supply:
Upper lip- sup. Labial branches < facial & infraorbital aa.
Lower lip- inf. Labial branches < facial & mental aa.
Upper lip- sup. Labial branches < infraorbital nn. (cn V2 trgeminal)
Lower lip- inf. Labial branches < mental nn. (cn V3 trigeminal)
Orbicularis oris m. < fascial n. (CN VII)
02. Large salivary glands, anatomy, innervation
1. PAROTID GLAND- pure serous gland (HE)
• The largest salivary gland
• drained into retromandibular v.
• Str. Columnar epith.
• Contain: artery's, vein's, adipocytes, nerves
• C.T septa
• IgA, amylase
2. SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND- mixed ( more serous, less mucous),HE
• Discharged trough the submandibular duct
• Striated duct easelly seen, intercalated ducts are very short
• Myoepithelial cells
• Intralobular ducts not very developed
location in infront of aurical
Blood supply
Type of gland acinar internal carotid a. and its terminal branches glossopharyngeal nerve
(IX). by way of lesser petrosal n., otic ggl.
Auriculotemporal n
Parotid duct Go superficial to masseter
m. > pirce the buccinator
m.> empty in the parotid papilla in vestibule of the mouth opposite the neck of the upper second molar tooth
Branched acinar gland
Submandibular triangle below lower margin of mandible submental aa. submandibular ggl. < choda tympani n. & lingual n. < facial
sublingual the floor of mouth b/w mucous membrane above and mylohyoid m. below submental aa. & sublingual aa submandibular ggl. <