Anti- discriminatory practices
It is the responsibility of the institution or organisation to make sure that service users and service providers feel safe and protected, so they can receive the help they need in the most supportive environment possible. They can do this by ensuring everyone follows non-discriminatory practice by putting in place policies and other procedures and making sure they are being used. Service provider must also make sure that care workers treat service providers with respect.
Reflective practice
Reflection involves looking at events which happened and considering why they occurred, in order to learn from experience. If something worked well, reflection can help you repeat your success, it can enable you consider how things can be further improved. Reflection can also help you to understand why tasks on work experience are carried out in a particular order.
You can demonstrate anti-discriminatory practice though materials.
Equipment – It might be that there is a washing machine and an iron and men as well as women should be taught how to use them, so that they do not learn, or relearn, stereotypical behaviour. There should equally be tools to use as a hammer and nails, and again, people of both sexes should be encouraged to use them.
Activities- These can include celebrating different religious festivals in a youth centre, depending on the various religious of the young people attending the group, so that when it is Ramadan, for example, they are all told what happens, and get the chance to try different foods.
Visual display- These need to show positive images and avoid stereotypes so a display in a day care centre could have pictures showing older people who are actively doing things like ballroom dancing and cycling. The display should also celebrate the achievements of the different service users, so it might be that