1348-1351 Black Death
1337-1453 Hundred Years War
1378-1417 Great Schism
1440 Lorenzo Valla disproves Donation of Constantine
1485 End of War of Roses
1492 Columbus sails to Americas; Grenada falls to Spain ;Moors are driven from Spain (Ferdinand and Isabella)
1509 Erasmus’s In Praise of Folly
1513 Machiavelli’s The Prince
1517 95 Theses (Tip: 1+1+7=9, with 5— 95 Theses)
1527 Sack of Rome, crucial imperial victory by HRE against France and Italian States
1543 Copernicus’s On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres; Vesalius’s Structure of the Human Body
1545-1563 Council of Trent
1555 Peace of Augsburg (cuius regio, eius religio)
1572 Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
1584-1589 War of Three Henrys (Henry III, Henry IV/Navarre, Henry of Guise)
1588 British defeat Spanish Armada
1598 Henry IV issues Edict of Nantes
1600 Chartering of British East India Company
1604-1613 Time of Troubles, period of instability and foreign invasion in Russia, caused by Ivan the Terrible killing his heir
1613 Michael Romanov elected tsar of Russia, establishes Romanov dynasty, and ends the Time of Troubles
1618 Defenestration of Prague (angels/dung heap)
1618-1648 Thirty Years War (Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French)
1642-1649 English Civil War
1648 Peace of Westphalia (Acknowledged Calvinists; HRE and Spain in decline, rise of France, Sweden, Prussia and Dutch)
1651 Hobbes’s Leviathan
1653-58 Protectorate in England
1687 Newton’s Principia (Universal Laws)
1688-89 Glorious Revolution and joint rule of William and Mary; English Bill of Rights; Locke’s Second Treatise on Government (Inalienable Rights—life, liberty, equality and property)
1701-1714 War of Spanish Succession
1714 Peace of Utrecht, end of Spanish Succession; Succession of Hanover dynasty in Great Britain
1721 Russia gains significant territory in the Baltic and Peter the Great builds St. Petersburg