Key Issue 1: Why Do Services Cluster Downtown?
Central Business District: downtown; area of a city where retail and office activities are clustered
Va Beach CBD: Virginia Beach’s central business district is the Town center/Pembroke area. Its major retailer being the Pembroke Mall. There are many shops and buildings that allow for a range of activities. Those activities may include shopping brand-clothing to walking in the park. There are many office workers downtown to have access to as many people as possible. By reconstructing the area, the city is able to attract high-income people to live in the downtown area.
Businesses cluster in CBD’s to be able to accessible to its customers/consumers
Retailers w/ high threshold: accessible to many people
Retailers w/ high range: customers were scattered over a wide area
Businesses that sell office supplies, computers, and clothing, or offer shoe repair, rapid photocopying, dry cleaning, etc.
High land cost due to: shortage of buildable land
High land cost leads to: - intensive use of land; some activities are excluded from center bc of high cost space
Underground networks and skyscrapers- land above, and land below
Factories take up a lot of land space
Residents pulled to suburbs-offered larger homes w/ private yards &modern schools; pushed by high rents that businesses and retail services were willing to pay & buy the dirt, crime, congestion, and poverty that they experienced
Now: new apt. buildings& town houses; abandoned warehouses and outdated offices converted; attracted by entertainment restaurants, museums and nightlife clustered downtown
Less dominated by commercial considerations; more people live downtown
Key Issue 2: Where Are People