System Inventory
Select and complete one of the following assignments:
Option 1: Virtual Organization System Inventory
Option 2: General IT System Inventory
Option 1: Virtual Organization System Inventory
Select one of the following Virtual Organizations:
• Smith Systems Consulting
• Huffman Trucking
• Kudler Fine Foods
Complete the following chart, filling in information for each system used at that Virtual Organization. Add rows to the chart as necessary.
|System Name |Brief Description |Department to Use |Purpose of the System |Connects With |Development Details |
| | |the System | | | |
|Administration |Administrative information is |All the different |Is to keep connection |It connects with all | |
| |handled on this system on a daily|departments are |with all the departments|employees and every | |
| |basis for every department in the|handling under this|and to informed them of |department in the | |
| |company. |system. |any changes or updates |store | |
| | | |within the company | | |
|Finance & Accounting |This is a system that takes care |General Ledger, |The purpose is to keep |It connects with all | |
|(Retail Enterprise |of all the finances that are |Accounts payable,