I) Byzantium and Post Roman World
A) Western European Civilization (weak and fragmented)
B) Islamic World (wealthiest and largest)
C) Byzantine Empire (NW Med and successor to Rome)
II) The Latin Phase, 325-610
A) Diocletian ( r. 285-305)
-creates Eastern and Western Roman Empires ruled by autocrats
-trying to end civil war and contested dynastic claims
B) Constantine ( r. 306-337)
C) Justinian ( r. 527-565)
-520s/530s after massive earthquake Justinian begins huge urban renewal project
-reformed the government and ordered a review of all Roman Law
-Code of Justinian: foundation of Western Law; digest of Roman and Church law, texts, and other materials
-participated actively in religious debates
-attempts to reunify East and West (under Germanic control)
1) buys neutrality of Persians
2) 533 takes North Africa from the Vandals
3) retakes Southern Spain from the Visigoths
4) 535-555 waged war to reconquer Italy
-huge financial and military costs led to collapse shortly after his death
III) The Age of Consolidation: 610-1071
A) Heraclius ( r. 610-641)
-early 600s series of insane Emperors nearly destroy Byzantium
-Heraclius, governor of North Africa, returns in 610 to overthrow Phocas
-situation so bad that he considers moving capital to North Africa
-makes decision to end any involvement in West Med and shifts total focus to Anatolia
-Latin dies out is replaced by Greek
1) Persians take Holy Land (and “true cross”) and Egypt
2) Avars and Bulgars pushing at Northern border
3) Slavs controlling Southeastern Europe
-Decision: Heraclius abandons state structure from time of Diocletian and creates new system that:
1) strengthens army manned by free peasants (not mercenaries)
2) develops compact state with highly advanced admin system designed to run government and military [Theme System]
-Theme System: had used in North Africa
-local free peasants provide good defense for less