External Assessment - Research Task 2
‘It is important to plan to meet the care and learning needs of all children’
Criteria 1 - Write an introduction which explains why it is important to plan to meet the care and learning needs of all children.
Criteria 2 - Explain a range of different approaches to planning which meet both the care and learning needs of all children. When planning to meet care and learning needs of children, there are many approaches which can be used such as, long, medium, short planning, PLOD’s, learning journey’s, the planning cycle and routines. It’s important there’s a wide range of approaches in order to find which one best suit an individual child which is essential as all children have different needs and some will require different planning to others.
‘Children are unique individuals and you should be aware of how to work with a range of children with varying needs.” Scott (2008 p2)
When planning to meet the child’s care needs the practitioner needs to work with the parent to find out the child’s needs, these could be dietary or medical requirements and rest times so it similar to the child’s home routine. A care plan is useful for planning, as it is detailed and identifies the individual child’s needs. A routine is a sequence of events, it is vital for meeting the children’s care needs. A routine plan can help children feel safe and secure within their environment. This links to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, under the level of ‘safety’ and ECM ‘safe and secure’. In 1970 Maslow said ‘Psychologically, children need to feel safe and secure before they can learn’. Puckett (2004,p207) http://www.lapetite.com/parent-resources/blog/2011/12/keeping-your-child-safe-lpa/
When planning to meet the care and learning needs of children, parent’s wishes must be taken into consideration for example; the diet of the child, this is linked to Every Child Matters (ECM) which