The Innovative A’s Consulting Group is glad to run our analysis on your company’s operational process. Your company has done tremendous progress and indeed it is a recommendable success as it started out small and grew to be one of the leading businesses in the industry. In our analysis over the past two weeks, we observed that, if planned well, CanGo has a promising future ahead. Our team came up with certain issues being faced by your company, which we assume, if not resolved, can cause a problem in the long run for CanGo to be more successful. Your company has been lucky over the past few years, but in our evaluation, we concluded that CanGo’s future needs a great deal of strategic planning. By carefully viewing your company’s videos for the past two weeks, our team came up with 6 major issues being faced by CanGo. Each member of a our team has worked on how to make CanGo’s future a promising one, and we promise if CanGo resolves the following issues, it will have a head start to a long term success in the future:
1) Company Goals and Objectives Prioritization:
For a company to be successful, it is very important for all its employees to be on the same page. We observed that CanGo is driven towards its goals but there is no unity among its employees. Although it appears that they may have identified all or most of the objectives, they fail to coordinate and prioritize them in a functional sequence required to accomplish goals and milestones effectively. During a recent team meeting, some of the tasks were identified to team members but the lack of priority was overlooked. A project of this size and technical in nature requires better organization and prioritization of objectives or deadlines and costly oversights will occur. Failing to prioritize objectives can affect the quality of work by team resources by focusing efforts on completing the wrong goal. Information Technology and Project management software would reduce the