Ronita Sanderfer
August 20, 2011
Anita Payne
Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator
The purpose of this paper is to explore the ethical, moral, and legal challenges of potential dual relationships as an advocate or mediator. I will explain my opinion on the integration of advocacy and mediation within the human service. I will explain my personal philosophy and individual approach to advocating and mediating within the Planned Parenthood Agency.
Dual Relationship Challenges
A mediator is an impartial third party who meets with two or more people to encourage and facilitate communication in order to reach an agreement or conclusion over a conflict that exists between the two parties. The mediator is not the decision maker. The two parties and not the mediator will make the final decision. It is the legal and ethical job of the mediator to keep all communication confidential unless otherwise specified (The Association of Attorney-Mediators, 2001).
The mediator should never choice anyone side or force one party to agree with the other. Because mediators are neutral, their personal beliefs and values can be a challenge. There are legal, moral, and ethical issues that mediators have to tackle when they deal with the parties conflicts. The mediator has to assure that each party is comfortable and know that their issues and thoughts are heard. It is important the mediator remain bias.
Personal Perception Mediators and advocates are the vital to the human services field. Their clients depend on the mediator to inform them of their rights. They do not know the laws and the procedures that protect them. That is why mediators and advocates there to assist them.
Personal Philosophy and Approach
The services that are provided at the Planned Parenthood Agencies, I feel are important. Most soon to be, parents are teen who have no idea on how to tell their parents or