9.1 The Respiratory System
1. Summarize the role of the respiratory system.
2. Distinguish between inspiration and expiration.
3. Identify the structures of the human respiratory system.
9.2 The Upper Respiratory Tract
1. Summarize the role of the nose, pharynx, and larynx in respiration.
2. Identify the structures of the upper respiratory system and provide their function.
3. Explain how sound is produced by the larynx.
9.3 The Lower Respiratory Tract
1. Summarize the role of the trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs in respiration.
2. Identify the structures of the lower respiratory system and provide their function.
3. Explain how the alveoli increase the efficiency of the respiratory system.
9.4 Mechanism of Breathing
1. Contrast the processes of inspiration and expiration during ventilation.
2. Define the terms tidal volume, vital capacity, and residual volume in relation to ventilation.
3. Summarize the purpose of the inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes.
9.5 Control of Ventilation
1. Explain how the nervous system controls the process of breathing.
2. Explain the role of chemoreceptors and pH levels in regulating breathing rate.
9.6 Gas Exchanges in the Body
1. Distinguish between external and internal respiration.
2. Summarize the chemical processes that are involved in external and internal respiration.
3. Identify the role of carbonic anhydrase and carbaminohemoglobin in respiration.
9.7 Respiration and Health
1. Identify the symptoms and causes of selected upper respiratory tract infections.
2. Identify the symptoms and causes of selected lower respiratory tract disorders.
3. Summarize the relationship between smoking, cancer, and emphysema.
9.1 The Respiratory System
The organs of the respiratory system ensure that oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide leaves the body. Ventilation is another term for breathing that includes both