united states vs Matlock 1974 parents may not be able to give consent of search and seizure if the child is paying room and board
making schools safe school partnerships with criminal and juvenile justice systems
searches and seizures in schools
Vernonia school district vs Acton random drug testing on athletes –urinalysis
Pottawatomie vs Earls drug tests for any extracurricular activities
New Jersey vs TLO School officials only need reasonable doubt to search belongings and person Can get dog to sniff exterior of car or look from outside of car
Metal detectors Used in only 1% of schools
People V. Parker – Illinois court Cannot arrest or search someone for waking away from metal detectors. You can walk way and it does not give a cop reasonable suspicion to search you.
Miranda Have right to stop talking at any given time if they decide to talk
Some states allow for destroying of juvenile printings
Some states allow for DNA collection but cannot be entered into federal database
Must include at least 5 people of same sex, same clothing, and random selection of people
Info can be released if they are being charged as an adult
Purpose for juvenile transfer serious and violent juveniles chronic offenders cannot and do not benefit from rehabilitation factors influencing transfer seriousness of offense prior record youths responsiveness to treatment community protection amount and quality of evidence maturity of the juvenile