-This occurs when there is a difference between people's stated attitudes and their behaviour. It specifically refers to our emotional discomfort resulting from this discrepancy.
-This happens all the time! I might dislike someone but be polite to their faces- is that bad?
-Sometimes the situational factors are more influential than our attitudes
Evaluation of the tricomponent theory
-A well known study into thse issues of whether our stated attitudes are consistent with our behaviour was conducted by Tichard La Piere (1934).
-He was particularly interested in whether people who had a stated prejudice against particular racial backgrounds would actually treat them differently.
-He travelled around the US with a Chinese couple, and experienced discrimination only once in the entire trip
-However, when La Piere followed up with a questionnaire about whether the owners of the restaurants and motels would accept Chinese guests, only one answered that they would
-Limitations-did La Pierre's presence affect the outcome?
Attitudes towards people: Stereotyping
Stereotyping= Fiting a person into a category, based on information gathered about them
Stereotype=A collections of beliefs we have about the people who belong to a certain group, regardless of individual differences among members of the group
-Stereotypes help us make sense of our world by giving it order- they provide us with a general system which guides our interactions with othes (so we know how we shoudl react to new people we meet)
-When we stereotype a person as belonging to a particular group we ignore people's individuality and disregard infro that does not fit the stereotype