General Purpose: To Persuade.
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that college athletes deserve to get paid.
Central Idea: College athletes should get paid because of the unfair lifestyle of a student-athlete, these athletes make millions for their universities and billions for the NCAA, and the finances are just as up to par as professional sports.
I. Summer time is almost over. I hate to say it but it’s true. Pretty soon we’ll be rolling up windows, and putting up tops, they’ll be a cool breeze in the air, and you won’t find a tan-line anywhere.
A. Yep, the Fall semester is coming by REAL fast and you know what that means… The best time of the year is coming too, football season! Now I don’t know if any of you did it, but as soon as the 2013 Penn State season tickets became available I jumped on them like a cat on a mouse!
II. Apparently it wasn’t just me, 40,00 other Penn State students had the same idea and the season tickets were sold out within 30 minutes!
A. The question is, who gains from the sales of these season tickets along with the other 80,000 tickets in Beaver Stadium that is always sold out? The answer: Prettyyy much everybody… Except for the players who the fans are coming to see in the first place.
III. In this MULTIBILLION DOLLAR “Business” (because it is a business) while all the coaches, university executives, and the NCAA make every last cent of the money, the players receive absolutely no compensation for their hard work and talent in which this “Business” is completely 100% revolved around. Something just isn’t right here.
IV. Today I hope to convince you that it is time we begin paying these student-athletes because of the unfair lifestyle the NCAA presents them, they bring in millions of dollars a year for their universities and billions for the NCAA, and because the “Business” of the NCAA might as well be a professional sports league because they make just as much