D1/ D2 Select four aspects of professional practice and give reasons why each chosen aspect is essential and who this may affect.
There are many aspects of professional practice, these aspects are very important to be followed.
Working in partnership with health care and other professionals: working closely with the other professionals in the setting is important for the safety of the children. Communicating about the needs of the children will help us to help the children with their development and help us to keep track of their development’s stage. Also working as a team being consistent about the decisions made will give the children a good role model and routine, otherwise children can get very confuses and lost.
Respecting confidentiality policy is very important to keep children safe, passing information to the right person, keeping information safe/locked, using it only when necessary, and aiming to help the child. Information misused can cause a great trouble to the child and the adult; therefore, we practitioners need to make sure all information are kept safe and confidential.
Attitudes to work is about being a good role model, it is a big part of educating children, we must always remember that, children will repeat everything that we do or say. As adults and practitioners it is important to be a good role model, children also learn copying us, learn to talk, to posture their selves, to dress up, to eat, to express their selves. Being a good role model is about dressing up appropriately for the job, having a good posture, speaking clear (not swearing, not shouting), respecting the children and the team we work with.
Good time keeping and attendance is very important for the smooth running in the setting, also to keep children’s routine and follow the plans for activities. To be on time, it is important to make sure you live home with time enough to be at work