International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol.2 Issue 3, March 2012, ISSN 2231 5780
*Faculty – HR, Institute of Management and Development, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
ABSTRACT In the rapidly changing global world economy, its important to keep pace with the competition and succeed. Today, one of the most crucial sources of competitive advantage is based on human resource efforts through attracting and retaining talented individuals. The internet has helped in attracting potential candidates to an organization from the recruitment process, which is referred to as E-Recruitment. The practice of issuing a vacant position and applying for a job via a website has increased steadily. The purpose of this paper is to broaden the research on the recruitment practices, with focus on E-Recruitment practices and trends in India, to identify what e-recruitment methods are being used and what benefits are being experienced by organizations using these methods. A number of methods will be used for the study including the interview method, surveys and the secondary data available. KEYWORDS: E-Recruitment, Internet-based Recruitment, Online Recruitment, Trends in Recruitment. ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION “The growth in the e-recruitment industry has been fuelled with the adoption of technology by prospective employers and Internet penetration. Organizations have cut costs by almost 80 percent over traditional recruitment modes by moving over to the online recruitment process.” Dhruvakanth B Shenoy, Vice President-Marketing, Asia,, India. Talent Acquisition is the process of identifying, attracting, engaging and retaining highly qualified and talented individuals. Acquiring and Retaining the best talent acts as competitive advantage, but it equally important and difficult to find the right person for the
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