1. series monthlywages = pternwa * 4
2. series familysize1 = (monthlywages – 908) / 908
series familysize2 = (monthlywages – 1226) / 1226
series familysize3 = (monthlywages – 1544) / 1544
series familysize1 = (monthlywages - 908) / 908 smpl if pehractt >= 40
series familysize2 = (monthlywages - 1226) / 1226 smpl if pehractt >=40
series familysize3 = (monthlywages - 1544) / 1544 smpl if pehractt >= 40
3. smpl if pehractt >= 40 and prtage >= 18 and prtage <= 24
smpl if pehractt >=40 and prtage >=25 and prtage <=34
smpl if pehractt >= 40 and prtage >= 35 and prtage <= 44
smpl if pehractt >=40 and prtage >=45 and prtage <=54
smpl if pehractt >=40 and prtage >=55 and prtage <=64
smpl if pehractt >=40 and prtage >=65 and prtage <=70
smpl if pehractt >=40 and prtage >=71
According to the graphs, we can see that as people’s age increase, their salaries also increase correspondingly. This occurs because older people are in the workforce longer than young adults, thus, they have more experience. In other words, older people have more seniority. Their annual increase in salary accumulates, and thus their overall annual salaries are higher. 4. California: smpl if gestcen = 93 and prtage = 21
Mean = 1731.48Std. Dev. = 10637.35Skew = 1.243506Kurtosis = 4.658713 smpl if gestcen = 93 and prtage = 22
Mean = 17542.57Std. Dev. = 14262.13Skew = 1.902101Kurtosis = 6.020162 smpl if gestcen = 93 and prtage = 23
Mean = 28033.63Std. Dev. = 21233.95Skew = 0.725945Kurtosis = 2.238212
Texas: smpl if gestcen = 74 and prtage >=21 and prtage <=23
Mean = 21419.40Std. Dev. = 16823.72Skew = 2.462578Kurtosis = 10.72003
5. Unstandardized pternwa
Standardized pternwa: series y = (pternwa - @mean(pternwa)) / @stdev(pternwa)
Unstandardized prtage
Standardized prtage: series x = (prtage - @mean(prtage)) / @stdev(prtage)
Unstandardized peeduca