1. Produced by Anterior Pituitary Gland
2. Targets of hGH are Bone, muscle, skin, adipose tissue and liver
3. Effects of hGH are to promote protein synthesis, encourage use of fats for fuel, and elevate blood glucose by decreasing uptake and increasing glycogen breakdown
4. Regulation of hGH is hormonal
5. hGH is a protein
6. hGH is water soluble
7. hGH is protein kinase activation
8. Endocrine disorders - Hyper secretion causes Giantism in children and Acromegaly in Adults
Hypo secretion - Dwarfism in children and Simmonds Disease in Adults
PRL - Prolactin
1. Produce by Anterior Pituitary Gland
2. Target of PRL is mammary gland
3. Effects of PRL is to produce and secrete milk
4. Regulation of PRL is hormonal
5. PRL is a polypeptide
6. PRL is water soluble
7. PRL activates by cyclic amp second messenger systems at their targets
8. Endocrine disorders - Hyper secretion causes Inappropriate milk production
Hypo secretion causes Inability to breast feed offspring
ADH - Antidiuretic Hormone
1. Produced and released by Hypothalamus / Posterior Pituitary Gland
2. Target of ADH is the kidney
3. Effects of ADH is to manage body water by acting on the kidney to inhibit urine formation
4. Regulation of ADH is neural
5. ADH is a peptide
6. ADH is water soluble
7. ADH works by Secondary Messenger – PIP2
8. Endocrine disorders - Hypo secretion causes Diabetes Insipidus leading to dehydration
Hyper secretion causes SIADH leading to over hydration
1. Produced and released by Hypothalamus / Posterior Pituitary Gland
2. Target of Oxytocin are uterus and mammary glands
3. Effects of Oxyocin are to stimulate uterine contraction during childbirth, to trigger milk ejection, & to play a role in sexual arousal and orgasm
4. Regulation of Oxytocin is neural
5. Oxytocin is a peptide
6. Oxytocin is water soluble
7. Oxytocin works by Secondary messenger – PIP2
8. Endocrine disorders - Hypo secretion