Environmental Politics and Policy, 6th Edition.
Walter A. Rosenbaum. 2005. CQ Press, Washington,
DC. 366 pp. $44.95 paperback.
Reviewed by Joel T. Heinen, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, Florida International
University, Miami, FL 33199
The Sixth Edition of Walter A. Rosenbaum’s much-used volume is a necessary update for several reasons, not the least of which is the insight provided throughout on the environmental policy impacts of the G. W. Bush administration. Continuing changes in environmental indicators, the effects ~or lack thereof! of public opinion on environmental policies, and the emergence of new issues as we learn more about our effects upon the environment justify this important update. In all cases, Rosenbaum, Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida and Visiting Professor at the
University of Michigan, has done a masterful job at keeping the older material intact while bringing in the new.
The initial chapter begins with the first Earth Day and is a treatise on American environmentalism in transformation.
Here Rosenbaum includes sections on the emergent issue of the 1970s and 1980s, CFCs and the ozone hole, and includes another on the policy legacy stretching from Reagan to
Bush II. He also presents a cogent section on ongoing challenges in environmental policy, from chronic and acute underfunding, to unanticipated costs, to the emergence of ecosystem management and sustainable development as guiding policy principles. In many ways, this chapter is a roadmap of things to come, and it provides a good overview of the book. Chapter 2 ~Making Policy: The Process! is a general discussion of the policy process itself and, as such, is quite complete and comprehensive. Five stages of the policy cycle—from agenda setting to termination—are described, and the author goes to some lengths to teach readers about
American concepts such as balances of power and constitutional