Assessment 1.1 Exploring Equality and Diversity
1 Describe what having equal opportunity means in relation to each of the following topics.
a) Education:
All Children whether male or female, disabled or not should have the right to reach his/her highest potential. Every child should have the opportunity to use the same methods and choose any study they want.
b) Housing:
Councils aim to ensure that every applicant is not treated less favourably than any other because of race, gender, disability, religion or age.
c) Health care:
Health care cannot refuse access to anyone because of race, gender, disability, religion or age.
d) Employment:
Employers must give everyone the same opportunity to better their lives no matter what their race, gender, disability, religion or age is. They must provide disabled access when required.
a) Outline some of the problems that persist in the UK in relation to the levels of pay between men and women.
• Women earn less money than men.
• More women apply for lower paid jobs.
• Some women can earn less pay than a man doing the same job.
b) Choose two other signs of inequality and outline the problems that persist in the UK in relation to them.
i. Young people not been allowed in a shop unless accompanied by an adult.
ii. Physically disabled people not having access to goods and services because of no access to get into a shop.
Assessment 1.2: Understand the ways that people choose to describe themselves.
1 Describe the individual factors that make a person who they are, by providing examples of each of the following factors.
a) Physical characteristics are what you look like, for example height, weight, eye/hair colour, sex, age and your skin colour.
b) Emotions are what you feel, for example happy, sad, angry, fear, sorrow, love.
c) Like and Dislike can be personnel, but