BIMP-EAGA Rink Project is an approved project under BIMP-EAGA platform, propose to conduct a feasibility study and to build termination and transit option for BEST CABLES SYSTEM that will allow telecommunication services in BIMP-EAGA region to connect with the rest of the ASEAN & ASIAN countries, particularly Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and USA.
A memorandum of Understanding (Refer Appendix 2) was entered on 21st of February 2014 between BEST CABLE CORPORATION PTE LTD, a corporation organized under the law of Singapore and NMV DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation organized under the law of Canada, to develop, equip, construct, finance, and commission the BIMP-EAGA Submarine and Terrestrial BEST CABLE SYSTEM with CNTIC as EPC Contractor under turn-key arrangement. The project will provide direct connectivity among Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and to Philippines unto Guam with branching to Palau Island.
A memorandum of Agreement was entered on 5th of May 2014 between BEST CABLE CORPORATION PTE LTD and CHINA NATIONAL TECHNICAL IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION (CNTIC), a limited liability company organized under the law of Republic of China, has agreed to implement and construct the BEST CABLE SYSTEM and secure the required financing through qualified enterprise, government and other financial institutions under the terms and conditions set in the set MOA. (Refer Appendix 3)