A conception among the general people is that a government Job in contrast to a private job ensures continuous and uninterrupted pay, perks and other service benefits which are rare to find in the letter category of jobs. Although the statement is true to a considerable extent, the gloomy side of a government job is that if an individual commits or tends to commit an act which is detrimental to the interests of the concerned government department, he is likely to be proceeded against by the state. Disciplinary proceedings are often characterized as complicated and full of intricacies which are mainly governed by the Government Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1985.
Historical Background:
Before the coming into force the rules and regulations governing the conditions of services, the relationship between the employer and the employee was that of a master and a servant completely dependent on the pleasure of the employer. During British colonial regime in India Government servants could be dismissed or removed from service at the pleasure of the crown without assigning any reason. “The Government of India Act, 1935” in section-240 provided for two important aspects namely:
1. No Government servant should be dismissed or removed or reduced in rank by an authority subordinate to that by which he has appointed and
2. No such servant could be dismissed or reduced in rank until he had been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.
After creation of Pakistan in 1947, the then existing laws were adopted and continued till replacement. During Pakistan regime, conditions of services of the Government servants and other statutory bodies improved a lot. Till before 1960, the Civil Service (Classification, control and Appeal) Rules 1930 and the Subordinate Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules 1936 were in force. On the annulment of these rules,