Numerous challenges exist that a student faces during graduate studies. This paper will focus on three of these challenges that this writer is facing; time management, stress management, and financial responsibility. “You must know where you want to go and what you want to achieve before you start your journey into education.” (Harvey,2001, para.2). The challenge of time management in a graduate program is vital to curricular success. Graduate programs require a commitment of time and effort to succeed. How will you juggle family, work, and a personal life as well as further your education? Organization is a critical skill for success. Becoming organized in your daily life will make the assimilation more likely to end in success. Let your family know just what a commitment you are taking upon yourself. Get the family involved by delegating tasks you normally do but are able to share with others. This means planning your housekeeping, study time, work demands, shopping needs, and of course, time for fun.
An excellent strategy that will allow for success is to develop a map of your academic responsibilities and mesh them with your daily responsibilities. By using your syllabus, the student can create a calendar of weekly demands and assignment due dates. This will enable you to plan out your study time, meet deadlines, and plan other activities in your life. How much work will you accomplished when your mind is consumed with worries related to classroom issues? When your academic life is in order you will be able to enjoy your time spent in other pursuits.
Learn to say no. Sometimes people take on more than what he or she can handle. Recognizing this will also help you to better manage your time. Being realistic in your time availability is important. Putting in a 20 hour day, every day, is not possible. Do not put off assignments or study time till the last moment. A student will not be as