MBA Candidates (Group 6)
Paiso, Gwen Marien C.
Shen, Huazhou Fred
Gundran, Marlon N.
December 1, 2012
Production Management (MBA 702)
Course Facilitator: Ismael C. Pangilinan
I. Statement of the objectives
Solve the continual problem caused by drive-through window and shorten the service time to regain market share and become more competitive.
II. Statement of the objectives
• To construct drive-through windows at all its locations in order to follow the lead of larger franchise restaurants like McDonald, Burger King and Wendy’s.
• To identify and solve the problems caused by the drive-through windows
• To reduce service time to at least 2 minutes and ideally 1.5minutes.
• To maintain fast service and improve service quality.
III. Relevant Case Facts/Findings
Dave’s Burgers, a fast food restaurant franchise in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, is suffering a problem caused by its newly-built drive-through windows which results in slow service.
Top management has selected three of its restaurants (one in each state) as test sites and has implemented a traditional TQM method like Pareto charts, check sheets, fishbone diagrams, and process flowcharts at each of them.
The Charlotte Dave's Burgers franchise implemented a number of production process changes to improve service time at the drive-through window and provided all employees with more training across all restaurant functions.
The Charlotte Dave's Burgers franchise took initiatives to improve the headset system and develop clearer signs for customers, streamline the menu, initiate even-dollar (tax inclusive) pricing in order to speed the payment process.
The restaurant installed large, visible electronic timers that showed how long a customer was at the window.
After the improvement, service speed was obviously reduced and market share at the Charlotte restaurant increased by 5 percent.
A statistical