Appendix E
For this assignment, complete this chart to create an easy-to-read reference that will help you understand how the two forms of diabetes mellitus differ. Maintaining proper levels of insulin is critical for diabetes patients. The means by which insulin can be regulated depends upon which type of diabetes a patient has.
Complete the chart with a 25- to 50-word response for each box.
|Form of diabetes |Age of onset |Defects in insulin and effects on glucose |Risk factors |Prevention and treatment |
| | |metabolism | | |
|Type I: Insulin-dependent diabetes |Usually prior |It is also known as “juvenile –onset |Type 1 diabetes starts in the childhood, the |As T1DM progresses without treatment |
|mellitus |to age 30 |diabetes” (T1DM). An insulin deficiency that|pancreas stops producing insulin. The |alternative metabolic pathways are |
| | |results from autoimmune destruction of the |insulin is a hormone that your body needs to |stimulated, causing depletion of protein and |
| | |insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas.|be able to use the energy-glucose-found in |fat stores. There is no way to prevent Type |
| | |Patients with T1DM are required continuous |food. The primary risk factor is a family |1 diabetes. Vaccines have not been found to |
| | |insulin supplementation and glucose |history. (WebMD, 2013). Genetics and family |contribute to the