Texting can affect our lives in many different ways. Many argue that,
texting in the New World is a detriment. I personally feel neutral as this
topic goes on. The technology today is so overwhelming at times being that
there’s always something new coming out. In retrospect, there was the
telephone, the beeper and the Cell phone. Later, there was the cell phone
combined with the texting, Texting combined with the camera, camera
combined with the internet, and much more. The Modern world isn’t used to
this kind of pace. Modern texting into communication apparatuses, such as
mobile phones, appears to have the capability of reducing people into
zombie like states of mind. Many say that anyone who believes that texting
is just for kids and teens is totally out of date. How does texting affect our
lives today?
Texting is a shortcut to talking. A phone conversation can lead to hours
and hours of talking, but a simple text can cut it down to about 3 minutes.
How is this done? This is done by Abbreviating. When you collect a corpus
of messages and analyze them, the average number of words per message
that are abbreviated is around 10 per cent. That means that most words are in
standard spelling. This is especially true of messages between adults, now
constituting about 80 per cent of all text messages. Some examples that I use
to express that I am laughing is using the term “lol”, which means laughing
out loud, ”brb” meaning be right back. When you collect a corpus of
messages and analyze them, the average number of words per message that
are abbreviated is around 10 per cent. That means that most words are in
standard spelling. This is especially true of messages between adults, now
constituting about 80 per cent of all text messages. Texting is faster and
easier and should be used by everyone in my opinion.
This change