“I Am Malala” is a breathtaking novel based on a true story of a young sixteen year old girl’s life. This memoir written by Malala Yousafzai and co written by Christina Lamb was published in October 2013 by ‘Little, Brown and Company’ and has become a very popular novel all around the world. This book contains 265 pages and costs Indian Rs. 399 and I found it worth reading. This courageous young girl wrote this book fearlessly to spread the awareness about the rights of education for those who are being ignored and abandoned from their right to go the school and learn.
The journey taken by Malala Youzafzai was not an easy one. She was born to an illiterate mother and a hardworking father in the beautiful valley of Swat in Pakistan. She stood up for the right of education for the fellow young girls in Pakistan with full determination and spirit and fought against the Taliban. Her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, an education activist was her greatest inspiration and motivated her to stand up as an advocate for education and freedom. Unlike other Pakistani girls, Malala was not fearful of covering her head with a scarf rather than putting on a burqa. She did not believe in hiding the girls and women behind the curtains and seizing their rights of education and freedom. The Taliban prohibited Pakistani people from listening to music, watching television, women going for shopping, laughing and chatting and most importantly they banned education for girls. Malala bravely stood up for their rights. She started blogging, writing and speaking against Taliban’s inhuman activity. Carrying a bullet shot by the Taliban while coming back from an examination in her school bus, she struggled to hold on with her vulnerable life but with all the support she got from the whole world she destined to live. Fortunately, two renowned doctors from England happened to be in Pakistan. They were like