Identify the contribution to Christianity of ONE significant person or school of thought, other than Jesus (Mark 3/3)
Pope John XXIII is a significant person in the contribution of Christianity throughout the 19th century pope john XXIII contributed to Christianity through the introduction of three Vatican II councils which brought about discussion to the variants of Christianity to make changes to the proceedings of the church. The changes included, vernacular development, where depending on the country and language spoken, the mass was no longer celebrated in Latin. The movement for ecumenism, throughout faiths allowed for interfaith dialogue, and Christianity became a lot more accepting to religions such as Judaism and Islam. Pope John XXIII contributed to the Christian faith and provided a positive approach to the acceptance of other denominations in one denomination. For example an Anglican is able to celebrate mass in a Baptist church. The contribution to Christianity by John XXIII, allowed for the Christian way of celebration and understanding to be improved and it changed the views of many dialogues of religion on Christianity.
Explain the impact of this person or school of thought on the development of Christianity. (Mark 4/6)
Pope John XXIII impacted the Christian church dramatically. The celebration of mass was ultimately changed, it allowed for laity people of the church including women to be able to celebrate the Eucharist, the mass was now changed to be celebrated with the priest facing to adherents. Vatican II, introduced cardinals and priests to be ordained to become a pope of Christianity. Pope John XXIII during the Second World War helped for Jewish people to escape Europe. Pope John XXIII is among the reason to why there is a large existence of Jewish adherence living in Australia today. Pope John XXIII allowed the development of Christianity to acquire to modern developments. Mass became a lot more casual for