Section 1.
1. Identify costs that may organization incur due to inadequate standards of health and safety (a) Uninsured cost that are required to be incurred (4) (b) Outline purpose of statement of intent of H& S policy (2)
(c) Outline General content of three sections of H&S Policy (6)
d) Why H& S Policy should be signed by senior most person in an organization (2)
e) Explain means of communicating results of H& S Audit and review of H& S review of health and safety performance f) Identify reasons why verbal instructions may not be clear in a workplace (6) g) Meaning of the term risk and hazard (4) h) Active & Reactive monitoring (8) i) factors affecting suitable and sufficient in risk assessment (6) j) Why PPE should be considered after other control measures (8) k) Hazards to lone workers (8) l) Type of emergencies requiring (4) m) Reasons why workers might not report accidents at work (6) n) Identify the precaution that to be taken to ensure safety of Visitors in an organization (8) o) Identify factors affecting H&S behavior of the worker
2. a) Workplace is having lot of saw dust a) Identify hazards to workers (4) b) Control measures to reduce risk to workers (4) c) Welfare of workers (4) d) How to demonstrate management commitment (4) e)Identify deseases to wooden factory (4) 2. Outline control measures for slips and trips in workplace (4) 3. Hazards with a cement mixer and control measures (8 4. Factors that could increase risk of injury to a worker manually loading boxes (4) Risk to workers in manual handling activities (4) 5.mechanical