While it is clear that a peaceful introduction to another culture through trade and commercial enterprise will always be better accepted than a military imposition of a foreign culture, it is not true to say that any culture will bend to another influence by an action as simple as eating a hamburger or drinking a soft drink. The increase in globalisation in the world has already begun a pattern of recognition and strengthening of cultural identity. The anti-globalisation movement is very vocal in criticising the western (or more specifically, American) of cultural imperialism, but studies provide evidence that the West is developing a respect and understanding of other civilisations in order to protect its economic standing in global politics. Differences among cultures are not easily resolved, as culture plays an intense role in the identification and functioning of various civilizations. Culture is a vital element of globalization because it is through cultural understanding and empathy that national relationships grow.
In 1884, Karl Marx wrote "In place of the old local and national seclusion and self sufficiency we have exchanges in every direction, leading to the universal interdependence of nations". Globalization has become a widely recognised term in the new century, and has many important interpretations. Among the most significant are the following.
According to Robertson (1992) globalization suggests a single unified world where people are conscious of their responsibilities to the world as a whole, of sharing the planet with others (Gaia awareness) and of the consequences of our actions in the worldwide arena. Giddens (1990) interprets Globalism as Western modernity that has extended globally; he describes a fourfold level of modernism that consists of a system of nation states, global capitalist
References: Barber, B. R., 1992. Jihad vs. McWorld. In Berndt and Muse (Eds) Composing a civic life (pp. 370-380). Pearson/Longman. NY. Giddens, A., 1999. Runaway World. How Globalisation is reshaping our lives Gienow-Hecht, J., 2006. A European Considers the Influence of American Culture. Huntington, S., 2002. The Clash of Civilizations? The Next Pattern of Conflict" International Relations: In the Post-Cold War Era. Pp 45-66. Pells, R., 2002. American Culture goes Global, or Does it? The Chronicle Review. http://chronicle.com Radhakrishnan, A., 1992. in Nationalisms and Sexualities. Routledge, London Rao, S., 1996 Sato, S., 1997. "The Clash of Civilizations: A View from Japan" Asia Pacific Review. Pp. 1-15. Tomlinson, J., 1991. Cultural Imperialism: A critical introduction. Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland. Watson, J.L., 2000, May/June. China 's Big Mac Attack. In Berndt and Muse (Eds) Composing a civic life (pp. 370-380). Pearson/Longman. NY.