Building blocks for organizational structure.
Increase quality and productivity while reducing costs.
Enhance speed and be powerful forces for innovation and change.
Teams are especially good at collecting and processing information, formulating strategies, and other complex tasks.
The New Team Environment
A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, committed to a set of performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
Several types are defined
Teams will have different structures for different purposes.
Team-Based Structures
Many organizations are using team-based structures, reasons include:
Tap into potential synergies
Work is becoming more complex
Increased flexibility
Internal motivations
Flatter organizational structures
Among others
Group Activities
Group members attempt to lay the ground rules for what types of behaviors are acceptable.
Hostilities and conflicts arise and people jockey for positions of power and status.
Group members agree on their shared goals and norms and closer relationships develop.
The group channels its energies into its performing tasks.
Building Effective Teams
Team effectiveness
Productive Output:
Meets or exceeds objectives
Team members gain satisfaction or personal needs.
Team members remain committed to working together again.
Critical Team Performance Factors
Common Goals
Individual Behavior in Teams
Social Loafing
Working less and being less productive when in a group.
Overcome this by individual accountability.
Social Facilitation Effect
Working harder when in a group than when working alone.
Roles and Norms
Shared beliefs on how people should think and behave
Different sets of expectations for how different individuals should behave.
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