NCFE Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 4
Theory Assignment TA1
Explain how to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.
One of the most effective ways to promote appropriate behaviour is to model the behaviour yourself.
Create a space where people feel comfortable in expressing their interpretation of what they believe appropriate behaviour to be. This may vary slightly or considerably depending on who is involved. An open discussion at the beginning of proceedings allows an opportunity for everyone to contribute. This may bring up cultural or behavioural differences which can be expressed and may raise issues not previously considered by some.
Once a verbal consensus has been reached a written affirmation will help to cement the process. Each person can write out for themselves in order of preference which types of appropriate behaviour they deem more important. This again will give space to evaluating each individual’s preferences and give an overall view of the groups standing.
A visual representation on the agreed areas of appropriate behaviour will help to remind and maintain a level of courtesy and respect. A list may be written up and displayed in an area that is visually accessible to all.
I would suggest also an agreement be made within the group on the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. They decide the type of action taken as opposed to being directed, in this way the process is owned by the group even though it is guided by the teacher.
Explain how to establish ground rules with learners to promote respect for others.
Ground rules may be established in several ways, the first of these could be to verbalise. This can be done by creating an open discussion with the learners. Allowing them to discuss and agree amongst themselves will raise common as well as personal areas to be addressed. Through the “process of discussion and negotiation” Gravells (2012:93) ground rules can be