Level 1
Title: Ebony URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/enter.html
Picture name: o
The orange ‘O’.
Level 2
Title: On Your Way… URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/intheshade.html
Picture name: wellhidden
Highlight the whole screen. Click here for level 3 will appear.
Level 3
Title: _b_l_sk URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/oei.html
Picture name: darkside
The beacon shines like a spear even if the unspeakable darkness surrounds.
The three leters ‘o’, ‘e’, and ‘i’ go into the spaces of the title. obelisk.
Level 4
Title: Turmoil URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/obelisk.html
Picture name: youmightneeditlater
Which looks like a pile of garbage can hold treasure for the wise one!
View the page source. Two words were ON (getting and there). gettingthere.
Level 5
Title: Lost? URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/gettingthere.html
Picture name: question
Sometimes you lose your way because the path you walk is obscured. But even the darkest fog can dissipate if one finds the answer.
The picture says it all. thisway.
Level 6
Title: The place where she lives URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/thisway.html
Picture name: house
Looking up ‘Sukeena’, Rose Red is found. The house’s name is Rose Red. rosered.
Level 7
Title: Initiational URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/ailyn/rosered.html
Picture name: door
As you approach the door, you sport a short text engraved on it. It reads:
Can you believe you’ve finally arrived?
How very true – though now I must enlight’
All who enter need to say it loud:
She who lives her and a word is found
Extracting the rhyme you’ve read by now!
Opening the page source, a comment says “Vertical or horizontal?” The text was read vertically, obtaining ‘chase’. Also, in the text ‘she’ is there. She is ‘sukeena’.
Level 8
Title: First Contact? URL: http://ebony.extra.hu/beryl/inside.html
Picture name: inthesea
Giskard, Murdock, Aneninen, Lisa, Laura, Yxonumei, Ziggy, Samara, Th-Ts.
‘In the sea’ ‘In the C’