James P. England
September, 19, 2011
Barbara Smith
Overview of risk management: Week one assignment * | Risk Management | Quality Management | How does the leadership and governance of a health care organization influence the development and implementation of risk-management and quality-management policies? | * “Risk management for an organization is the ability to eliminate the inclusive risks involving the health care organization.” This includes financial, personal, and personnel planning with protocols for implementation (Carroll, 2009). * Have it in writing: The ability to see the procedures and protocols with signed affidavits from employees eliminates the chance of error in following procedure. * The key procedure of “open eyes,” and simply this is keeping an open view and visual of the problems that could go wrong, and fixing the problem before it escalates to an uncontrolled level (Carroll, 2009). * The buy-in theory: The ability of both management and employees to communicate to each other to specify goals for improvement, culpability, and the need for improvement is the key to communication for successful heath care organizations. | * The quality of job division and accountability shows the importance of quality control in health care (Miller, 2011). * Many subdivisions of hierarchical leadership in respect to job definition for responsibility show the need for different divisions of accountability for many needs in health care supervision from finance, safety, insurance, and medical safety to the patients. * The ability to see the “end results” of the program in process of procedures and protocols working together to establish a “working order” for the implementation of design systems to carry out these initiatives through employer-employee working relationships. * The opportunity to learn from fellow workers in a work environment opens eyes for