Manuel Roxas
May 28, 1946 – April 15, 1948
2nd President of the Senate of the Philippines (1945-1946)
Senator (1945-1946)
Secretary of Finance (Aug. 21. 1941 – Dec. 29, 1941)
2nd Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives (1992-1933)
Member: Philippine House of Representatives (Capiz/Roxas City) (1921-1938)
Governor of Capiz (1919-1921)
Bell Trade Act – 800M$ rehabilitation money from US
Philippine Rehabilitation Act
Treaty of General Relations – PH independence, US bases.
General Amnesty to guerrillas
Parity Amendment – American and Filipinos equal rights
Camaraderie with Americans
Surplus War property
Chinese immigration
Huk destroy attempt, failed to halt
Elpidio Quirino
April 17, 1948 – December 30, 1953
3rd Vice President of the Philippines (1946-1948)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (1946-1948)
Secretary of Finance (May 28, 1946 – November 24, 1946)
Secretary of Interior (1935-1938)
4th President Senate of the Philippines (1945-1946)
Senator (1925-1935)
PACSA (President’s Action Committee on Social Amelioration)
ACCFA (Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Financing Administration)
Labor Management Advisory Board
Central Bank and Rural Banks of the Philippines
Amnesty to Huk
Industrial improvement
Irrigation improved
Road system developed
Quirino is the Most Corrupt
First President to undergo Impeachment trial
Golden Arinola using government money
Ramon Magsaysay
December 30, 1953 – March 17, 1957
Secretary of National Defense (Jan. 1, 1954 – May 14, 1954)
Republic Act No. 1160 of 1954
Resettle landless farmers
Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954
Court of Agrarian Relations
Relationship between tenants and landowners
Land Reform Act of 1955
Land Tenure Administration possess and distribute property of rice and corn lands
Creation of Agricultural Credit Cooperative Financing Administration small farmers/ tenants have low interests to loans
Reparation Agreement