In an article called from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration called, “Impaired Driving: Get the Facts” it states, “Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 51 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $59 billion” (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1). The fact that so many people die every day in the United States from alcohol related accidents is absolutely ridiculous. The stories are endless. In Steve Schmadeke’s article, “Man gets 15 years in DUI accident that killed mother, son” He talks about the terrible tragedy that ended two innocent lives. Schmadeke states, “A speeding, unlicensed driver who crashed into another car on the Northwest Side, killing a mother and her teenage son and injuring three other children, was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison” (Schmadeke 1). Because 37 year old, Richard Strum decided to drive while intoxicated, he took two innocent lives and injured three others. He not only took a mother, but he also took a daughter, sister, and wife. He not only took a son, but he also took a brother, cousin, best friend, student, and ultimately someone who didn’t even have a chance at real life before it was taken away. Drunken driving accidents are far too…
We have already attempted coming up with a solution to the sale and consumption of alcohol in the 1920’s the Prohibition which was a complete and utter disaster when it failed drastically but turning the sale and consumption of alcohol into an underground crime scene by illegally smuggling alcohol and selling it. With a failed attempt and history repeating itself the government cannot use scare tactics on society as a way to prevent crime within society. If there is a way people will find it to be able to get what they want even if it is illegal to do. We set rules, regulations and laws for a reason which is to deter citizens from making wrong decisions and taking responsibility for their actions. For each law we have it is set up to prevent dangerous situations, crime or the potential for a crime to happen. Within our society the sale and alcohol consumption was minimized by the laws of economics to change things such as the price of alcohol, reducing the hours in which you legally can keep your establishment open, how much one in your establishment is allowed to consume before being “shut-off” for the night, and limiting the ability to purchase alcohol in some states on Sunday. Communities reconciled their differences by putting stipulations on minors having parties and if the authorities showed up not only were the minors arrested but the parents were now held accountable for the actions of their minor children. In addition they added leaving a facility drunk and causing a vehicular accident not only was the party who was driving the vehicle responsible for damages, lives lost, injuries sustained but so was the person whose house or establishment that they left from. Raising the bar on the luxury of consuming alcohol and making sure that people are held accountable for their irresponsibility’s while under the influence, increasing check-points within communities has reduced the statistics on accidents and deaths resulting from drinking and driving…
Drunk driving is a major conflict in our communities, states, and our nation overall. This is senseless act takes the lives of too many children and teens as well as adults-innocent people.…
I know what you’re thinking; what kind of ignorant ideas does a person like me have to offer to this problem? But I promise if these actions are applied, there will be a complete end to the treacherous idea of drinking and driving. First off, law enforcement would drive around to random parties and steak out for people trying to drive under the influence. If they catch them and they blow over the limit, they will be tazed until they drop unconscious to the ground, then pop all of the tires on their car. As an alternative, instead of wasting time with a steak out, cops could blow up all the cars in the area of the party. Maybe that will teach the drinkers to take a taxi or a bus. Now unfortunately, there’s always going to be those people who make it behind the wheel. This is very dangerous to the person driving, but more dangerous to the public who’s actually doing the right thing. So for a solution to that problem, whoever is caught shall be sent to…
People who drink are meantally uncapable of makeing self concious decisions. With the peer pressure for their friends and enviroment, people are more likely to drink more. If you drove whle drunk and killed yourself, what would happen to your family? They could possible loose a source of income and possible their only. If their first penalty was more severe, then there is a better chanve they wont do it again. Khloe Kardashian was pulled over in MArch of 2004 for suspected drunk driving. After finding out she was, she wasw imprisioned for 3 hours. She pleaded no contrest and was sentenced to 36 month probation. Although she wasnt in jail long, that has been her only DUI. If the government took drunk driving more serioulst, then there might no be as many deaths as there are now.…
Drunk driving is a serious problem in America. I purpose it would help people of America to prevent drunk drivers by having more severe punishments. Being more severe will help people realize that this is a very bad thing to do and is dangerous to people surrounding the drunk driver. We need to make the punishment make people understand this is a very big issue. I suggest that the first time you are caught intoxicated you spend 30 days in jail. Then spend 60 days in AA meetings then have a weekly drug test for the next year so that they…
Millions of people have been killed in alcohol related accidents, 90 percent of those people were innocent bystanders who were going on about their day minding their own business. Drunk drivers are people who make stupid mistakes ...mistakes they can't fix. Those drivers are the cause of many deaths of innocent bystanders...drunk drivers are the killers of themselves and others. Drunk drivers are murderers...they earn a title that haunts them to the day they die. This title takes away all trust people had for these drinkers...this title takes away all a person's hope and dreams turning them into nothing but mindless alcoholics. Though drunk drivers face punishments as serious as jail time, the consequences of their actions do not generally keep them from getting behind the wheel.…
rampant drinking binges, raving alcoholics, and more traffic accident deaths upon the entire nation. Realistic Alcohol Laws for…
If you are depressed, and no medicines are working for you, alcohol just might be the way out. If you need something to do, getting drunk just might be the solution. Bored? I heard being drunk makes everything just a little more flashy. How about a challenge? The way alcohol really blurs your vision, when driving can really spice up your driving life. If at first you don’t succeed – try, try, and try again. After all, practice makes perfect! Recently, more and more drivers have discovered the joys of drunk driving. However, research indicates that consumption of alcohol while driving can lead to victimization of these innocent drivers. Sober drivers who can think clearly and make logical decisions are the leading cause of death for America’s drunk drivers. Thus, sober driving should be made illegal and drunk driving mandatory.…
Not many have thought this, problem drunk driving is really getting big. “During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, more than 50,000 people lost their lives each year on the nation’s public roads and highways, and more than half of the drivers killed had been drinking”(Jasper 17). “Drunken driving accidents can happen…
At some point in our lives we have heard a news report that involved a drunk driver and an innocent victim. Usually these incidents are accidents where a person driving under the influence runs a red light or jumps a curb, hitting, and more often than not, killing an innocent person. These injuries and deaths are all easily preventable. In the United States, over 20% of all motor vehicle related deaths are caused by an impaired driver. Which is why this crime continues to be a national problem that takes the lives of thousands of people every year (Hanson). Way too often the victims of these tragedies are young teens or children. Why people drive drunk is a question that people have been trying to answer for a long time. There have been suggestions to implement tougher DUI laws, which seems like a great idea. Unfortunately, people seem to only look at the downside rather than what tougher laws would do for the safety of the public.…
Those injured and killed in drunk driving collisions are not accident victims. The crashes caused by impaired drivers involve two choices: to drink AND to drive. The injuries and deaths sustained each year by drunk driving can be prevented. Those who choose to drive while impaired, have been informed of the dangers, however, decide to ignore the harsh facts. They will eventually end up facing injury or death to themselves or, even worse, someone else. This is a reality some choose to ignore until they are forced to live or die along with the consequences.…
Drunk driving can be very deadly. Yet many people drive while under the influence everyday. Drivers who are drunk are blamed for the loss of as many as twentyfive thousand lives in highway crashes…
Did you know that more than 10,839 people will die this year with one dying every 30 minutes?(Main) Just thinking about one person dying every 50 minutes is very eye opening! Now think about if you were that person under the influence, got in someones car, started driving and next thing she knows she see bright car lights and her life is changed. One should take more caution when thinking about drinking. Drinking is getting way out of hand for teens and people over 21. Teens should not be drinking. They are getting a higher chance of turning into an alcoholic as they drink more and more. Those people need to learn to have a sober driver that is willing to drive one person home safe. One person may get in trouble with the adult or the cop but it’s way better than losing his/her life with a stupid mistake he/she made. The punishment for drinking under the influence needs to be more strict.…
Did you know that in 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes? Believe me when I tell you that the numbers are increasing as we speak. People driving while intoxicated still cause about 13,000 deaths a year in the United States. And of the 1.4 million arrests made, one-third involve repeat offenders. That's why I feel we should get breathalyzers in are cars.…