What is the effect of the type of sugar on the amount of carbon dioxide released by Yeast during aerobic respiration?
If the type of sugar is changed, the amount of carbon dioxide created will then increase because sugar is needed to for respiration so occur. If Fructose is added to the Yeast it will then respire the most Co2 because fructose is the largest sugar, its like using a hundred dollar bill instead of single dollars.
A. Background Information (:
Yeast are able to metabolize some foods, but not others. In order for an organism to make use of a potential source of food, it must be capable of transporting the food into its cells. It must also have the proper enzymes capable of breaking the food’s chemical bonds in a useful way. Sugars are vital to all living organisms. Yeast are capable of using some, but not all sugars as a food source. Yeast can metabolize sugar in two ways, aerobically, with the aid of oxygen, or anaerobically, without oxygen.
Figure 1
In this lab, you will try to determine whether yeast are capable of metabolizing a variety of sugars. When yeast respire aerobically, oxygen gas is consumed and carbon dioxide, CO2, is produced. You will use a CO2 Gas Sensor to monitor the production of carbon dioxide as yeast respire using different sugars. The four sugars that will be tested are glucose (blood sugar), sucrose (table sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), and lactose (milk sugar).
B. VARIABLES manipulated: Type of Sugar
Responding: Amount of CO2
Controlled variables: Test tubes, Same amount of sugar, Similar Yeast cells, Ambient temperature
C. MATERIALS LabPro interface 600 mL beaker (for water bath) Palm handheld Beral pipets Data Pro program hot and cold water Vernier CO2 Gas Sensor thermometer 250 mL respiration chamber four 10 X 100 mm test tubes 5% glucose, sucrose, Water, and fructose