Reverse Discrimination Essay Example
Reverse discrimination is defined as “discrimination in hiring, college admissions, etc. directed against members of certain social or racial groups, as white males, thought of as being dominant or having benefited from past discrimination against minority groups who are now favored, often as a result of affirmative action” ( Affirmative action was created as a remedy for racial discrimination. Its intent was to help people who were victims of discrimination (i.e.: family heritage that were succumbed to slavery) without creating hardships on new victims (whites). In this plan for affirmative action, there were several packages used to create this idea of affirmative action. The first package is called the remedial action package. This package stated that a change needed to be made to overcome the effects of racial discrimination. Another package that was created was the no preferential treatment which called for an emphasis on equal opportunity. Under the no preferential treatment package, there were sub-packages that included, reverse discrimination, the undeserving advantage, and the black hurt. The undeserving advantage argued that affirmative action gives minorities opportunities that they did not earn. The black hurt argued that recipients of affirmative action are stigmatized. Then you have reverse discrimination which argued that affirmative action violates the rights of whites. The basic agenda of affirmative action is equal opportunity. However, the majority believe that affirmative action causes reverse discrimination. Affirmative action can be used as an inspiring device for the American spirit in every race.
Adrienne Williams a community college student in Portland filed a reverse discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s office of civil rights. Williams’ complaint starts out like many typical college student, she was looking for ways to get financial help for going to school. While looking into