1. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail how one of the aspects of managerial economics are applied in practice.)
2. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail how managerial decision making take into account some economic aspects that influence decision making
3. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail how the theory of demand is put into practice.
4. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail how the theory of supply is put into practice.
5. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail the determinants of its demand for goods and services.
6. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail the goods and service it produces and factor inputs that it uses
7. Find an organization of your interest and (advised to pick an organization of one of the group members) and explain in detail its costs of production (what are its cost items/cost drivers and how much is each of these cost items?). Which of the costs are fixed and which are variable?
8. Identify and describe in detail the opportunity costs that are incurred by members of this group in order to attend their studies at Masters Level at Mzumbe University.
9. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a process by which business decisions are analyzed. The benefits of a given situation or business-related action are summed and then the costs associated with taking that action are subtracted. Based on the definition above, conduct a