Many technological improvements have been made to vehicles to reduce their environmental impact. Some of these advances have been imposed by environmental legislation, others have been incentivized by commercial pressure to improve energy efficiency and limit our dependence on fossil fuel. Greening the transportation sector is thus important for meeting global emissions reduction targets. One innovative technology to achieve a green transportation sector is radically changing the design and components from fossil fuel based internal combustion cars to electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. This technology shift will lead to emergence of new technologies that will be definitive in the race to capture the biggest market share. In this paper, we trace back the evolution of the internal combustion automobiles and give insight to the new emerging industry of electric and hybrid electric vehicles using the S-curve diagram.
An electric vehicle, or EV, is a vehicle with one or more electric motors for propulsion. The motion may be provided either by wheels or propellers driven by rotary motors, or in the case of tracked vehicles, by linear motors.
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), also known as a plug-in hybrid, is a hybrid vehicle having an electric motor and an internal combustion engine with rechargeable batteries that can be restored to full charge by connecting a plug to an external electric power source.
S-Curve for Automobile Industry
Figure 1 S-Curve for the automobile industry
The traditional internal car combustion engine technology has been around since 1890. However, the major tipping point in automobile manufacturing was the introduction of the T-model by Henry ford in 1920 and later the development of the automated assembly line which started the mass production of automobiles. This concept was later adopted by many European and Asian manufacturers. Mass