In their country they will be able to live the lives they want with out effecting others who don’t involve them selves with drugs. They will be able to have access to all the drugs they want. There will be no law in there country. They will not be able to have contact will any one in America. If they do they both will be killed. If there are still any drug members in America they will be killed and anyone who knows about them still being in the country. This will promote a much safer, crime free, heathier America.
Sending drug influenced people to a different country will make it safer for us to live. We will be stress free of worrying about loved ones using drugs. Stress free of worrying about your children being influenced by drugs. There would be less violence, like drug users that could have been going crazy with out drugs and going on killing sprees. Drug sellers that kill because they didn’t get there money. Less kids using drugs to be cool of fit in. No more thieves who steal money for drugs. Less people selling their bodies for drugs. Which if their were less selling their bodies will help stop spreading aids. Also with less crime coming from drugs our protection will be better. Police to worry about and focus more on other crimes. Overall it would make for happier, safer,