2. The platoon’s critical tasks are as follows: a. Conduct unit operations. Subject Area 22: Unit Operations 071-326-5503 Issue a Warning Order 071-326-5502 Issue a Fragmentary Order 551-88N-3043 Prepare for Unit Move 071-326-3013 Conduct a Tactical Road March 551-88N-3042 Plan a Unit Move
b. Guard detained prisoners of war. Subject Area 24: Enemy Personnel 4250. Supervise the Processing of Detainees at the Point of Capture 191-377-4252 Supervise the Escort of Detainees 181-105-2002 Conduct Combat Operations According to the Law of War 191-377-4254 Search a Detainee 191-377-4256 Guard Detainees
c. Treat casualties. Subject Area 2: First Aid 081-831-1058 Supervise Casualty Treatment and Evacuation 081-831-1001 Evaluate a Casualty 081-831-1007 Perform First Aid for Burns 081-831-1011 Establish a Saline Lock 081-831-1046 Transport a Casualty
d. Perform in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) environment. Subject Area 3: Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear 031-503-1023 Protect Yourself from Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Injury/Contamination when Changing Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Gear 031-503-1015 Protect yourself from CBRN injury or contamination with MOPP gear 031-503-1018 React to Nuclear hazard/attack 031-503-1024 Replace your canister on your M-40 series protective mask
e. Implement combat survival techniques in area of operation.