Vance Chan Associates Introduction to SCM
©1998 Vance Chan Associates. Not to be reproduced without permission.
The challenge
Rising costs are everyone’s concern…
Introduction to SCM
©1998 Vance Chan Associates. Not to be reproduced without permission.
The challenge
In today’s economy, most companies must make fundamental changes to cost structure while trying to maintain growth
Slower revenue growth due to:
• Sluggish economy
• Maturing markets
• Increasing competition
Rising costs:
• Customers demand more value
• Materials and key components
• Logistics
• Need for regional and multinational marketing
• Salaries
To keep these lines from crossing, CEOs must identify the levers they can
To keep these lines from crossing, CEOs must identify the levers they can use for maximum impact on cost and productivity use for maximum impact on cost and productivity
Introduction to SCM
©1998 Vance Chan Associates. Not to be reproduced without permission.
The Strategic Cost Management concept
Strategic Cost Management (SCM) is a way to address cost concerns while preserving the key parts of the business
Top management establishes focus, sets the tone and makes the commitment
Willingness and ability to think differently
Cost decisions are made in a strategic context
Key employees recommend and implement the changes
Ingredients for Successful SCM
Introduction to SCM
©1998 Vance Chan Associates. Not to be reproduced without permission.
The Strategic Cost Management concept
The main prerequisite is the willingness and ability to think differently...
Old thinking, old excuses
The SCM mindset
This is what we do
Why do we do that? What is the value-added?
This is how we’ve always done it
Why do we have to do it that way? Is there a better way?
The boss