To start off, a teenage girl needs to be intelligent in order to be successful in today’s culture. First of all, wise young women are known to have a lot of background knowledge and skills. Those skills can be used to attain her personal goals like composing a work of music or having a business. It allows her to achieve her passion and do the things that she loves. However, lacking knowledge or having no goals can be tragic for a girl. They will have to take the long road to become more eager and have something to work towards. To add, a young woman needs to know how to make good decisions that are essential for adulthood. She can decide on what group she wants to be around or what school she wants to go to. Many decisions are made throughout her teenage years and being intelligent is a great advantage because it allows the girl to make smart decisions that can greatly impact her later on. At last, being intelligent can help a young woman manage and make money. Today, a lot of young women go out shopping instantly after receiving their paycheck. Usually, they tend to spend more than what they can actually afford. On the other hand, many other young women realize the importance of keeping a budget and spending money wisely. These few teenagers will succeed in today’s culture because they know their limits. They understand what and what not to spend on, and are accountable for their budget. Overall, these examples explain how a teenage girl in today’s culture has to have intelligence in order to succeed socially. Having
To start off, a teenage girl needs to be intelligent in order to be successful in today’s culture. First of all, wise young women are known to have a lot of background knowledge and skills. Those skills can be used to attain her personal goals like composing a work of music or having a business. It allows her to achieve her passion and do the things that she loves. However, lacking knowledge or having no goals can be tragic for a girl. They will have to take the long road to become more eager and have something to work towards. To add, a young woman needs to know how to make good decisions that are essential for adulthood. She can decide on what group she wants to be around or what school she wants to go to. Many decisions are made throughout her teenage years and being intelligent is a great advantage because it allows the girl to make smart decisions that can greatly impact her later on. At last, being intelligent can help a young woman manage and make money. Today, a lot of young women go out shopping instantly after receiving their paycheck. Usually, they tend to spend more than what they can actually afford. On the other hand, many other young women realize the importance of keeping a budget and spending money wisely. These few teenagers will succeed in today’s culture because they know their limits. They understand what and what not to spend on, and are accountable for their budget. Overall, these examples explain how a teenage girl in today’s culture has to have intelligence in order to succeed socially. Having