The BUSN115 Final Exam is three pages long. It is a timed exam worth 250 points that you may enter only once. You have 3 hours, 30 minutes to complete the exam. It consists of 30 multiple choice questions worth 5 points each. There is one essay question worth 10 points and six essay questions worth 15 points each. Be sure to save and save often while you are working on the exam, and submit the exam when you are finished.
Read and study the course materials before you attempt this exam. Then access the exam and read the scenario, question, or statement. Then, choose the correct answer or answers. With multiple answer questions, one answer may be correct, all answers may be correct, or some combination of the a–e answer options may be correct. Partial credit is not allowed.
With regards to the essay questions, to earn full credit, your response to each essay question should answer the question completely and average two- to three-paragraphs in length. The exam reflects the following course objectives and possible topics.
TCO 1: Given a description of a typical business, demonstrate how that business acts within our economic system to achieve its goals as well as those of society, along with an understanding of how the future may impact these goals.
Describe and explain the importance of small businesses to the American economy.
Describe and explain the major causes of small business failure.
Describe and explain ways of understanding how small businesses operate.
Describe, explain, evaluate, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of small businesses entering into international markets.
Describe and explain the impact of ambiguity and change on small business growth and expansion.
Determine the external stakeholders of a business.
Determine the internal stakeholders of a business.
Describe and explain the concept of value-added for a business.
Describe and explain how the economic system of the United