In T. S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," the author is establishing the danger the narrator is having dealing with getting older. Prufrock is the narrator in this poem, and believes that age is a burden and is totally troubled by it. He feels the prime of his life is over and he can't love women the way he used to. His worry with the passing of time characterizes his fear of aging. The poem deals with these fears.
In this poem, Prufrock feels unsure about himself. He is frightened of what people will say when they see his balding head and aging body. He also believes that everyone will think he is old and worthless and they will talk about him behind his back. "They will say "How his hair is growing thin!" My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin-- [They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!"]" His insecurity is certainly noticeable and sad and it holds him back from doing the things he wishes to do. This type of behavior is what makes Alfred into a heartbreaking, hopeless character. He will not find happiness until he gains more self-esteem about himself. When he keeps repeating words like vision and revision it shows his feelings of inadequacy in communicating with people around him.
J. Alfred Prufrock's lack of self esteem, also affects his love life. The woman he is in love with is younger than him, and it upsets him. He feels that it's hard to believe that some younger women could possibly still want him or find him attractive. Expressing any kind of love to her is uncomfortable and hard. Prufrock knows what he must say but cannot bring himself to say it. "Should I, after tea and cakes and ices, Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?"(79-80) His agitation in his love life, is very upsetting to him. He really wants to express his affection but he doesn't know how. He compares himself to