Personal selling is an ancient art, which has spawned a large literature and many principles. Effective salesperson have more than instruct, they are trained in a method of analysis customer interaction. Personal selling takes the form of oral presentation in a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers, for the purpose of making profitable sales. The main purpose of personal selling is to bring the right products into contact with the right customer to make certain that ownership transfer takes place.
In Nigeria environment, personal selling is mainly use in the marketing of industrial products in service and nonprofit organizations. The industrial buyers are closely located (Industrial Estate) for sales force convenience and also reduce the organizational promotional cost for their sales effectiveness.
Apart from consumer market, there is another market known as industrial market, which is mainly for producers, resellers and government. The industrial products sector faces challenges for it is an accepted fact, that management of industrial sector devotes most of the promotional budget fund to personal selling than promotional mix.
Industrial marketing activities are directed towards facilitating and expediting exchanges between industrial markets and industrial producers. Industrial or business-to-business products are bought for use in a firm's operations or to make other products. They also include industrial services such as intangible products like financial, legal, marketing research, computer programming and operation, caretaking and printing services.
People employed in personal selling run into millions. They are involved in hawking, retailing, wholesaling and sellers of intangibles like insurance broker agent. The researcher's interest is to establish why personal selling is the most