A. Subject Matter – based on subject field such as accounting, business, medicine, economics, marketing, engineering and the like
B. 1. Time-interval – based on frequency of occurrence: daily, weekly, monthly or annually. Examples include
1. Routine weekly and monthly reports made by salesmen
2. Periodic progress reports in big corporations
3. The corporation’s annual report of operations
C. Function – based on what reports do.
1. 2. Informational Reports – present facts bearing the subject
2. Analytical Reports – analyze the facts and information gathered for the readers to understand the report easily
D. Formality – the way reports are written
1. 3. Formal Reports – those that are dressed up and appropriately worded to fit the requirements of a very formal occasion; contains prefatory and supplement parts aside from the text. It has an impersonal style, hence the consistent use of the third person pronouns is followed.
A report is said to be formal if:
a. The material is long
b. The report is to be read by many people
c. The report is to be kept for reference and use in the future
a. Title Page
b. Letter or Transmittal
c. Table of Contents
d. Abstract
e. Body
e.1. Introduction
e.2. Discusssion
e.3. Conclusion
e.4. Recommendation (if any) f. Appendix
2. Informal Reports – contain only the basic parts of a report
E. Length – depends on the number of pages the report contains; 1 to 10 reports are usually short reports
Short Report – deals with a topic which is narrow in scope and either written formally or informally. Parts:
1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Result and findings
4. Summation
F. Format – it varies with the expected outcomes, the use and the formality of the situation. The types of report according to format are the following:
1. 4. Fill-in the blanks – a type of report where results are